Archived entry from our February 2007 trip.
Welcome to our travel blog. We're going to try and keep friends and family updated while we're in Vietnam.
Now that we're past Christmas, and Ilene's sabbatical has begun, we start planning in earnest.
Ilene leaves on January 16 for about 5 weeks. Robert leaves on January 31 for 2 weeks.
The "to do" list includes things like:
-Second course of Hep B shot (Robert)
-Get the laptop and camera rigged for travel.
-Finish reading our guidebooks.
-Keep listening to language tapes.
-Buy those little travel size toiletries.
-Sweet talk the house sitter. (You know who you are.)
-Sweek talk someone into driving Robert to the airport at 5 a.m. on 1/31. (Any volunteers?)
-Research the best places to get weasel coffee.
We hope we'll have lots of stories and photos to share this way. Stay posted!