Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Two Choice Dilemmas

Archived post from our February 2007 trip

Hi all, it's Ilene in HCMC--

Robert is on his way--well, at least his flight to Chicago is--I just logged onto United's website and saw it was en route and his flight to Hong Kong is on time still. So hopefully I'll be fetching him at the airport in about 24 hours.

I was reading a self-help book recently where there was a lot of talk about recognizing two choice dilemmas in your life, which seemed to boil down to recognizing both options suck but to construct them in a more empowering way and choose one.

So. Some recent dilemmas:

Situation #1
Moved to a bigger room today to make better accomodations for Robert. But it boiled down to this: we could have two of the following three things: a. a large enough room, b. a quiet enough room, or c. a room with internet access. Not possible to have all three.

Choice made: a and b. I'm in the coffee shop of the hotel, where I can get free wifi. I'm unimpressed with the spring rolls.

Situation #2
Miscalculated and ran out of underwear a day early. Was pleased to happen across a Jockey store and not only find size XL underwear, but to find them for $2.25 a pair. I buy 2 to tide me over until laundry comes back.

XL is not XL is not XL. I put them on (why did I think holding them up and looking at them pre-purchase that there was any chance of them fitting?) and blanched: in the normal position they completely cut my posterior (there are children reading this) in half. Nothing could conceal this Very Visible Panty Line. I realized I had two choices: a. wear them pulled down below or b. wear them pulled, well, up. Way up.


My choice: b. And to send my laundry out in the morning.

I'd post a picture, but my license to blog would be permanently revoked. Does pulling up feel more empowering than pulling down? I think so. . .