The typical breakfast here is Pho. (pronounced Fuh). When you arrive, the plate of mint, salad greens and basil is already sitting on the table, along with limes, and hot peppers. Your order either beef or chicken and you get hot a broth with some more meat added in to cook in it at the last minute. It has chives, etc. in it. You add in the sprouts and greens, crunching them or tearing them up as you go to release the flavor, dunk them in soup, squeeze in lime juice and toss in the peppers. There are also bottles of plum sauce and hot sauce to squeeze in. That's about $1 most places. A shot of coffee, hot or iced, with or without condensed milk, is about 60 cents. We've been getting ours at a sidewalk stand on the corner where the cab driver's hang out early in the morning before they hit the streets. I eat most of the greens and soup and have a few bites of beef, building up my tolerance for it. (It sits heavy in my tummy after so many years of vegetarianism.) So far I haven't had any chicken.